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May 16 - 19, 2024


Symposia topics and confirmed speakers:

Central Mechanisms in AVP and OXT information processing in health and disease

Chair:  Jeff Tasker Tulane University


Alexandre Charlet Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France

Tom Cunningham UNT Health Science Center, USA

Zhihua Gao Zhejiang University, China

Duncan McGregor University of Edinburgh, UK

AVP and OXT in Neuropsychiatric disorders

Chairs:  Devanand Manoli, UCSF & Karen Parker, Stanford University


Katrina Choe McMaster University, Canada

Inga Neumann University of Regensburg, Germany

Karen Parker Stanford University, USA

Yannis Paloyelis King’s College London, UK

Neurohypophysial hormones control social and defensive behaviors in a sex-, age-, and receptor-specific manner

Chair:  Hala Harony-Nicolas Icahn School of Medicine


Oliver Bosch University of Regensburg, Germany

Joanna Dabrowska Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science USA

Aras Petrulis Georgia State University, USA

Brian Trainor University of California, Davis, USA

Alexa Veenema Michigan State University, USA

Emerging roles of AVP and OXT on the neurovascular unit and brain microvessels

Chairs:  Maurice Manning , University of Toledo  & Bice Chini Milan Center for Neuroscience


Marta Busnelli Consiglio Nazionale delle Recerche, Italy

Gil Levkowitz The Weizmann Institute, Israel

Ranjan Roy Georgia State University, USA


Coordinated central and peripheral actions of AVP and OXT

Chair:  Joe Verbalis Georgetown University


Vagner Antunes University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Atila Cihan, University of Basel, Switzerland

Annette de Kloet Georgia State University

David Mendelowitz George Washington University, USA

Neurohypophysial hormones and sensory processing

Chair:  Valery Grinevich Heidelberg University


Eric Krause Georgia State University, USA

Michael Perkinson Otago University, NZ 



New Models and Approaches in AVP and OXT research

Chair: Yoichi Ueta University of Occupational and Environmental Health


Alec Davidson Morehouse School of Medicine, USA

Lan Geng Pekin University, China

Quirin Krabichler Heidelberg University, German

Arthur Lefevre University of California San Diego, USA

Comparative Neuroendocrinology of AVP and OXT systems

Chair:  TBN


Jessica Connelly University of Virginia, USA

Christian Gruber Medical University of Vienna, Austria

Rui Oliveira ISPA, Instituto Universitario, Portugal

Hirotaka Sakamoto, Okayama University, Japan 

Emerging Areas in the neurohypophysial hormones field

Chair:  Masha Prager-Khoutorsky McGill University


James Blevins Washington University, USA

Michael Greenwood University of Bristol, UK

Andre Mecawi Federal University of Sao Paulo, Brazil

Tian Xue University of Science and Technology of China, China

Young Investigators in AVP and OXT Research

Chair:  Ryoichi Teruyama Louisiana State University


Arjen Boender Emory University, USA

Shelling Buffington Baylor College of Medicine, USA

Alex Castillo-Ruiz Georgia State University, USA

Tim Gruber Van Andel Institute, USA

Matthew Kirchner Georgia State University, USA


Please see the line up of Plenary Speakers

The full program including symposia speakers will be coming soon! 


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